(Renewed website up from this month)
A page of “Exercises” has been set up to help you discover how to put “Intangibles”
to practical use, by observing people and things around you−−not
on a superficial level but in depth, in everyday life.
For the past six month, I have been idling my precious days away doing
nothing. Everyone has a time like this, not wanting to do anything at all.
How should we spend such days?
Take it easy; you have plenty of time.
Why not try, once more, to turn an eye to something “you did not see,” “you
hated to see,” or “you kept hidden away”?
No need to beat your brains and do unnecessary things.
You’re sure to find you can see many things that have been un-seeable until
Try this approach when you are loaded down with a heavy schedule, stuck and
Indeed it is the time of “Inaction” that guides you to new discoveries.
You can find out something you had not noticed. You can read the hidden
natures of people. You can learn how society works behind the scenes.
All this will boost your confidence.
Don’t feel guilty and frustrated even if you are doing nothing.
The invisible grey matter and unconscious world of your brain are kicking
into top gear, unnoticed all the while.
The six months of my Inaction were really days of Serendipity. I found many
unexpected things that were wonderful.
The Power to see what is Un-seeable exists in Inaction.